Entry #18

This series was originally published on my socials in 2021. My beliefs and opinions have changed in some ways since then, but these words are still meaningful and relevant to who I am and what I believe today.

Sometimes I wonder if the place we started going off the rails was the moment we divided the Bible into chapter and verse.

The moment we split up the big picture into a million zoomed-in snapshots.

The moment we stopped reading it as an epic story and began using it as a legal text or a government document. “Please reference Article V, Section 4, Point B, as to why you are completely wrong and I am 100% right.”

The moment we started taking individual verses as proof texts to prove our point, treating them as bullets to load into our Guns of Truth, stones to cast out of our holy hands.

The moment we stopped experiencing the arc of God’s beautiful redemption story and started memorizing random sentences completely out of context without taking into consideration anything other than the literal black and white words.

Maybe that’s the moment we lost it. The full picture. The love story. The wisdom. The color. The hope.

Maybe that’s the moment we lost the heart of the Father.


Entry #19


Entry #17