the voice of god
What would a mind feel like
had there never been
a punitive god living inside it?
If there’d never been a voice of judgment,
an obsession with failures and shortcomings,
would I be able to think more clearly?
If I’d known mistakes weren’t proof of my sinfulness
but proof that I was a learning and developing human being,
would I have more grace for myself and others?
the history books
We wonder at the atrocities of our yesterdays
from our seat at today’s table,
history books spread open to images of
human beings traded in chains,
piles of skeletal bodies in Nazi pits,
or little Ruby parting a sea of angry picketers.
the creative
I can’t catch any of the thoughts;
They ping from left skull to right skull
Like balls in a Blackberry.
the skinny
It was a weird time to become a woman–
Caught between two narrow visions of femininity:
Your body is God’s precious temple,
Holy and not to be a temptation
Your body needs to be better so
Every part of you needs to be
t h i n n e r .
the mattering
But sometimes, when we lose our mattering,
The question starts feeling like an accusation,
The mattering morphs into a competition.
Our eyes narrow at our fellow man,
Our fellow competitors—
Because when they seem so full of mattering,
That must mean we don’t matter at all.
the depths
When the depths pull you
Like a fish on a line
Into the darkest waters
And you wrap yourself in the
Words that worked
Back in the pale blue—
Back when you knew—
They stick like a wet bandaid,
Leaving your wounds open to the
Sting of of the saltwater,
Anger circling the scent like a predator.
the promise
Pressure to be a “Godly Man”
Only made them experts at pretense.
Emotions being dubbed as feminine
Only made them experts at repression.
The Boys grew into Men with strong bodies and weak hearts,
Corroded by shame, exhausted from pretending,
Men who gripped the Promise of Power so tightly,
Needing the role of Husband to make the pain go away.
the Christian men
It wasn’t ever that they were bad seeds
But that they were planted in a broken pot,
Watered with stories from an ancient patriarchal society labeled as “God’s design”
While following a Savior who’d been trying to rescue them from it all along.
A Savior who counter-culturally embraced
The prostitutes, the widows, and the cheats,
While calling out the men who led them,
The men who stoned them.
the choice
It's the fear of choosing wrong and losing ... something. Missing something. Something you'll never have a chance to un-miss.
the offering
So I cut out my heart,
feeling by feeling,
and placed it in my Bible,
trusting that must be the best place for it,
hoping I'd get a return for my offering,
a reward for my sacrifice,
waiting for Truth to fill my open wound.
the iceberg
It was never about greatness
But goodness
And the warmth of it
calming our fears and insecurities and damning thoughts