the iceberg
We are but a breath
a blip
a tip of a grand iceberg
Generations behind us
below us
propping us up
We stand with our chests out
puffed up
Convincing ourselves of our greatness
Our immortality
Atop this, this mountain of death
We are but a moment
So we strive and wrestle to stay
at the tip
at the top of the iceberg
Beating our chests to the rhythm of our damning thoughts
Our insecurities
Our fears of obscurity
We beat louder to drown it out
Until the friction melts our souls
And we shrink
and slide
Gulping our last breath before we submerge
The water heavy
Our arms too tired from beating to fight the weight
But a hand catches us from the dark
and another
And the generations behind
and below
propping us up
pull us close
and push us up
to breathe our greatest breath
And our fears and insecurities
And our damning thoughts
Fall away, down, down
As the hands pull us away, up, up
Because it was never about
the top
It was about the holding close and reaching out
The sliding down and pulling back up
It was never about greatness
But goodness
And the warmth of it
calming our fears and insecurities and damning thoughts
Because obscurity was never the enemy
But isolation—that was the devil
We are but a breath
a blip
a piece of the most intricately connected mosaic