the Truth
The problem with theories is just that.
And we Christians love theories,
Cocoon ourselves tightly inside them.
We don’t even call them theories
But Truth with a capital T
As if the capital letter makes them more true.
But if you just read a bit of anything you’ll find
Every capital T is based on Tom or Tim or Theo’s interpretation
Slash THEORY, yes, all caps,
Of what Thom or Tim or Paul said (or theorized)
In a language Tom or Tim or Theo never spoke.
Yet, truth isn’t relative, they say, and drop the megachurch mic as if that means something.
As if God never changing means we don’t either.
The Truth is
We are influenced.
The Truth is
We don’t exist in vacuums devoid of color.
The Truth is
We bleed into each other
Until the blacks and whites turn gray or green or rainbow
Or even black and blue and purple
When we forget color is a gift.
We meld together until our understanding of God is more knowable,
Not in spite of living with others
But because of it.
Because we know God made him in his image.
Yes, even him.
And God loves her as much as he loves me.
Yes, even me.
Theories add a pindrop of color to the canvas that is God,
A piece of a puzzle that will always have a few gaping holes.
But Jesus knew that.
He didn’t tell me to know all,
Just to love all.
So I’ll look up from the canvas,
Stop gripping the paintbrush in
Confusion or
Self-righteousness or
A vain determination to get God right.
For I’ll miss the point of the painting.
There are ones to love right in front of me.