Entry 2

This series was originally published on my socials in 2021. My thoughts and opinions have probably changed in some ways since then, but they’re still meaningful and relevant to who I am and what I believe today.

I think one concern a few … or many … of you have right now is that I’m heading down a precarious path of listening to human opinion over the bible and that I’d better be careful.

I hear you. I get it and I appreciate the loving way (most of) you have reached out in this regard.

Here are my thoughts on that.

Though we don’t like to talk about this, the bible is incredibly complex. To assume that on my own I, or even just me and the Holy Spirit, can discern, understand, or comprehend its entire meaning, each individual scripture and theme to its fullest extent despite having no training in exegesis or Hebrew or all the other fancy things, is arrogant.

I’m not that smart. I’m not that wise. I’m not that awesome.

I am a biased human, just like the rest of us.

To be clear—my faith in God and Jesus is not dependent on certain things being true. I had that faith crisis about ten years ago and survived, by a thread.

I am in a place now where I can say, without a doubt, I’ve experienced God in deep, confirming ways. I couldn’t have said that for the majority of my life.

This time around, it doesn’t have to do with whether or not God’s story can be believed (for me, it can be), but whether or not those who taught me the story can be believed. Whether the legalism, the black and white theology, the “you have to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything” mantra holds up.

I have heard the same interpretations of scripture my whole life, just like most of you.

And to my surprise, so very many respected scholars and theologians (like C.S. Lewis and Dwight Moody and Billy Graham – we’ll get to that) have raised concerns about some of the doctrine of the evangelical church.

The scary part is that most don’t say it out loud for fear of being publicly (or privately) shamed and condemned by the church for dissenting opinions or thoughts. So we sit on our hands and our thoughts because it's safe and protected.

The more I read about Jesus, the less I care about that. The more I read about him bucking against the institution, the more comfortable I feel knowing he was basically the original deconstructor, tearing down the legalistic ideologies the religious had held for years only to rebuild with a foundation of love, grace, and mercy.

One last thing. A disclaimer:

If your faith feels kind of fragile right now—if it hinges on certain things being true and you fear the whole thing might unravel if you start yanking at any one string—it’s okay to say that right now isn’t the time to ask questions.

I’m in a place (and it’s taken a long time) where questions don’t threaten my assurance in Christ. And believe me, if you aren’t there yet, I’ve been there, and I get it if you need to let go of my hand for a while on this journey. You are welcome back anytime.

As for resources, here are a few that have been shared with me. However, these are not all personal recommendations because I haven’t checked them all out in their entirety. I’m walking into all of these with discernment, just like I do on Sunday mornings when I’m listening to any preacher, and I encourage you to do the same.


You Have Permission (favorite so far)

The Bible for Normal People (awesome)

Deconstructionists Podcasts (haven’t listened yet)

The Robcast

Books (all pretty new … I’ll get to the oldies eventually)-

What is the Bible by Rob Bell

The Bible Tells Me So; Sin of Certainty; How the Bible Actually Works by Pete Enns

Searching for Sunday; Evolving in Monkey Town; and Inspired by Rachel Held Evans

Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McGlaughlin

UnChristian by David Kinnaman

Hunting Magic Eels by Richard Beck

The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby

White Fragility; Nice Racism by Robin DiAngelo

I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown

IG Accounts to Follow –










Entry 3
